Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Homsi jokes

واحد حمصي لحق حرامي فسبقه

في صحفي سأل حمصي : كم نسبة البطالة في حمص ؟
الحمصي : والله حمص كلها ابطال

leish el homseh byelbos sebbat azghar men 2yeiso?
ta bass yeshla7o yertei7

Friday, January 9, 2009

Microsoft Tag

Microsoft has started their own tagging thing. These tags are mainly a way to insert some information in a kind of square (text, URL, phone number, vCard, ...), and with an application on your cellphone you grab the square with your cam and it decodes the information and your phone does the appropriate task (if it's a URL it opens the browser and goes to it, if it's a vCard it saves the contact, if it's a number it calls it, if it's text it displays it, ...). I had tried before some other types of tags, but as you put more info in them they tend to get quiet big, so for vcards for example, it doesn't even fit anymore on a business card. While microsoft's stays quiet small and has some cool features like password protection and enabling them only for a certain period of time. Their tag manager is quiet nice too, it stores all the tags you previously created and yo ucan re-render the tags and all. I just hope they'll support some other image formats soon...

the application can be downloaded here
and to create tags, you can do it here

here's a tag example: